Cannot access web services


Jul 1, 2003
Hi there

I recently move my project to a new pc and the following problem occurs

When I compile the project it compiles correctly
but when I run the project and it tries to access any of my web services I get a 401: access denied error.

Anyone else get this problem?

PlausiblyDamp said:
Where are the webservices located remote or local? Can you browse to the webservice through IE or does that fail as well?

They are located local and I cant seem to browse them with IE either
PlausiblyDamp said:
If you have copied them over from another machine then you will need to make the folder the files reside in an IIS application from within IIS manager.

The web service is present within IIS
anything else I can do?
Is it an IIS virtual directory? Right click on it and bring up it's properties - near the bottom there should be an entry that says something like application with a button labelled 'Create'. Click the button and try again.
IIS is pointing to the project file in c:\project\SOMS\WS

I did what you said but I am still recieving an error message ...
now it is giving a 404: Not Found error
OK I got it sorted this morning...

I'm not sure why I got the 404 but even when I tried to refresh the Web Ref I got the 404. And yeah I rebuild the Web service (a dozen times I'd say :) )

Anyway I came to work this morning, deleted the problem project and downloaded my latest code from SourceSafe .. I then added my changes again and ran it ..........

and TBTG it worked fine ......
thanks to PlausiblyDamp for the help ...

catch ya later kiddies!! :)

a relieved ZuBiE