Can you recomend a 3rd party Grid control?


Apr 10, 2003
under the desk in my office

I have been having quite a bit of trouble with Microsoft's datagrid. I am now thinking that it would be more economical to purchase a 3rd party grid.

I have been looking around and have found several grids but so far have not found one that incorporates all of the features that I need.

Perhaps this would be a good place to discuss the benefits and downsides of the numerous grids available.

The features that I need for my project include...
1. Combobox column type that allows me to display a description from a 2nd table based upon the foriegn key value from the main table (valuemember, displaymember)

2. The ability to right-click and copy and paste rows similar to excel and access.

3. The ability to somewhat easily validate the data as it is entered onto the grid.

I am hoping to get away with spending $500 or less.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions!
i've used C1TrueDBGrid, which was ok. Their tech support is somewhat questionable, but the grid itself is better than MS datagrid.

However, i don't think any of the grids will support items 2 & 3, you would have to code that yourself, IMO.
I am surprised that none of the grids offer the ability to copy and paste records. That would seem like a very common request.

I am guessing that to code it myself I would somehow have to capture the current row of the grid into a datarow. Given my poor coding skills, this should be quite an adventure.
I'm not sure if these grids will have your features, but I would check out the Janus Gridex and the ComponentOne TrueDBGrid. I've used them both before, and they are definitly two of the best on the market and both have good support and a good base of users.