Can Non .Net programs read SOAP DS from a Web Service?


Junior Contributor
Dec 31, 1969
Orlando, FL
I have a web service which receives datasets and plugs them into a CRM

I have a need to be able to connect to it from HTML and ASP pages.

Am I going to have to receive something other than Datasets, or can a SOAP dataset be created from a non .Net web site?
Technically there is no reason why a non MS client couldn't use a DataSet. However Datasets do include several MS 'features' (anything in the msdata namespace) you may encounter errors with other clients. Datasets also can be on the heavy side and may cause issues with limited bandwidth.

I personally would tend to create my own data types (classes, arrays etc) and, after use of the attributes from the System.Xml namespace, return these from the web methods - you still get a valid schema definition without the overheads.
As usual, very good advice

Right now I just spent 2 hours trying to check my wsdl with the stupid wsdl.exe program, which can't find the web services section of the Web.Config no matter where I put it

Next was to try PocketSoap, which clearly can't interpret either a a dataset or a class file

So I think a respectable XML file in place of a dataset
