Can be Prevent the Automatic Save when Building in VS IDE?


Junior Contributor
Oct 20, 2003
Hi guys,

I was wondering if anyone knew of a way to prevent the VS IDE from automatically saving my assemblies when I choose 'Build'?

Yes, I do realize that saving the source code at the same time that the exe or dll is compiled makes sense. This ensures that they are the same version...

But it can also make sense to *not* have this behavior. While VB.NET has background compilation, C# does not. So if using VB.NET, any change that causes a code break is flagged immediately. In C#, however, one is forced to manually chose 'Build' to see if there are any problems...

So let's say that I do some sort of complex Regex-based find/replace operation. I'm careful, and among other things I save my work before performing the Regex find-replace. This way if the find/replace somehow goes wildly wrong and causes dozens of code breaks (or even one, really), then I can either Undo or to be really safe, close without saving the most recent (bad) change.

It's just a good safety precaution.

But using C#, there's a problem: there is no way to know for certain if there are any code breaks without first choosing 'Build'. But choosing 'Build' not only compiles the solution, but also saves the unsaved changes. This is not good for this scenario...

Does anyone know of a way to achive a build/compile operation without saving at the same time?

Thanks for any thoughts in advance...
Ah, thanks so much PD, that was perfect. :)

I had looked under the Project Properties > Build page, but there's not setting for this there. Thanks a ton for pointing out the correct location!
