Calendar questions


Junior Contributor
Feb 18, 2004
I am wanting to use the calendar control on a web page. All that I need is for it to select the current day. Now my questions are: I would like for it to cricle the current day in red like the calendar control on a windows form. Is there anyway to make it circle the current day in red? Second how do I hide the days for the next month?

Thanks, Chester
1) I am not aware of anyway to have a circle around the day. Unless there was a way to hack the calendar control to put an image on there, you are stuck with just editing the square :-x

2) To hide them, just make the "OTHERMONTHDAYSTYLE" forecolor to same color as your calendar background. That way it will just blend in.

I hope this is what you were asking.
You'd have to create a wrapper control or handle the drawing of the calender to draw a circle around the current day.
Set NextMonthText and PrevMonthText strings to empty.