Caching Dataset too expensive for small web application?


Senior Contributor
Sep 11, 2003
We all should know by now how to store a dataset in a ViewState object. I think it's a great thing for large web sites with a lot or relational data or where data is queried multiple times over the coarse of one transaction, but for the small sites out there, I think it's overkill. I'm talking about the sites that usually have only 1 transaction per trip to the server; a read from a table, or single write/edit/delete to a table. One that only get a few hundred to a few thousand hits per day versus a few hundred thousand. Possibly it might have some very minor relational data. Again, this is for small web sites; what is your opinion? Many people such as myself just use readers, but I've seen several people who still insist on storing a dataset in a viewstate and the view state on one page ends up being larger in bytes than the html of the entire site.

I would've created a poll but there is no option for that anymore...what happened?