Cached assemblies vs Registered dlls


Dec 31, 1969
Quebec, Canada
Hi everyone !

I read a few articles about the shared dll with .NET and I'm not quite shure if I understand it well.

I made a user control called "TitleBar.dll". Got a strong name with "sn" utility and copy the snk file in my source folder. I then regenerate the dll and everything was ok. Next step, I used the GACUTIL to "register" the dll in the cache. Everything was still ok, the dll appears in the "C:\WINNT\assembly" folder.

BUT when I start a new project, if I try to add a reference with "Add Reference", I just don't see my dll in the list (in the .NET tab). Of course I can't Browse and point directly to the dll, but then, it copies the dll in the bin folder of this new project.

What's the point exactly ???? Can we or can't we share dll in .NET ? Basically, if we deploy 3 apps that use the same dll, we'll have to recopy the dll in each bin folder ???

The old "resvr32" was a lot easier and worked a lot better.