c++ help, binary/interpolation search


Oct 3, 2005
hi, i'm taking a discrete class and im also taking computer science 1, so therefore i am not qualified to write the programs that we have for projects, this is the last one and i managed to somehow get the other one done, but does anyone have any suggestions please on how to do this, i am somewhat c++ illiterate since we just covered functions. i am going to be doing this in visual c++, maybe :confused: i attached the file with the project, i would prefer to have replys sent to dstone2323@hotmail.com but anyway i can get any help i will be greatly appreciative. i have to get this done by 12/7, thanks.... the other people in the class (who are very near graduating) said that this wouldnt be too hard for them, so i'm sure anyone on here will have no trouble. its a binary search and an interpolation search.

