c# exception handling


Dec 18, 2005
The following is for a windows application. If I was to cause a button click to throw an exception i.e.

private void button6_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
//simulate a crash by throwing an exception
throw new Exception ("Simulated Crash");

where would I catch this other than in this function? I tried catching it in the Form's main fuction :

static void Main()
Application.Run(new Form1());
catch (Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine (ex.ToString());

but it seems like I can't catch it there.
kevinturtle said:
where would I catch this other than in this function?
In any function which occurs before it on the stack, so anything that sits between the Main method and the event handler method.

I tried catching it in the Form's main fuction :
but it seems like I can't catch it there.
That works, why do you think it doesn't.
Wraith said:
In any function which occurs before it on the stack, so anything that sits between the Main method and the event handler method.

That works, why do you think it doesn't.

The program is still crashing and I'm not catching the exception at all.
Take a look at these two events:
Visual Basic:
'Unhandled exception in AppDomain (I don't think this will catch an exception before it crashes the GUI)
'Unhandled exception in GUI thread
There is usually nowhere between Application.Run and the button click event handler to attatch an exception handler. There will be nothing on the stack between the two besides non-user code, making it hard to catch an exception and keep your app from crashing.