Button access from other form


Jul 16, 2008
I have a program in C# which has two forms.
I would like to put a button on Form1, and then the user can change
the button's settings On Form2.
The problem is- how do I access the button that's on Form1- from Form2?
On Form1- the code is:
Button Button1 = new Button();
On Form2- for instance- the user can choose the buttons text- and write it in a textbox on that form. When the user clicks ok- I want to implement the text written in the textbox on Form2- to button1- on Form1.
How do I do this when the button is on the other form?
Please help.
You have a couple of options -- if you want the changes to presist through sessions of your application you'll want to save to a text/xml/database file when the users changes settings on Form2; in order to load those settings you could use a FileSystem watcher and look for changes to your config file.

Another approach would be to add an overloaded constructor for Form2 that accepts a reference of Form1 which contains your button [you would need to declare the button as Public] then, you have full access to all properties of Form1 [including the button] from the context of Form2

Form1 Code
public Button button1 = new Button(...);
void LoadUpForm2()
    Form2 f = new Form2(this);

Form2 Code
Form1 theMainForm
void Form2(Form1 mainForm)
    theMainForm = mainForm;

protected void textBox1_TextChanged(...)
    theMainForm.button1.Text = textBox1.Text;

I didn't run that through the compiler, but it should get you started.