Build tool & unittesting within visual studio


Junior Contributor
Dec 8, 2003
Berlin, Germany

i'm using vs express. since i worked with java the past two years i don't really want to miss the power of testdriven development and a goot build tool.

i was happy to find nant and nunit. the latter having test runners for visual studio.
however the development seemed to have stopped in 2004?

does anyone use nant and nunit with visual studio (express) 2005?
if so - what version do you use and do you have any tutorials on hand?


p.s. i want to use nant since i have a distributed build process.

edit: i'm looking for a free tool. i found this for unit testing but it's not free:
Nunit works just fine with VS 2005 pro. I'd imagine that the Express versions would work too because NUnit has nothing to do with VS. Check out version 2.2.8. That one was just released a few weeks ago I believe. There should be enough documentation on the NUnit site to get you started.

You may also want to take a look at I'm not sure if it works with the express versions but it might be worth a look anyway, as it can direct you to some of the other testing frameworks that are out there, though coming from JUnit (I assume) you should feel at home with NUnit.

As far as builds go, I use MSBuild just because it comes with VS.

It makes me happy to see someone bringing up TDD on this forum. Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one around here.
thx for your reply.
coming from junit it is pretty easy adopting nunit.
i also rad something about #unit but since there is no seperate download i can't use it.
i like the idea of #develop but won't switch the ide just because of #unit.