Build and Revision numbers not incrementing


Mar 5, 2003
What could be causing my build and revision numbers to not be incrementing? I have the standard
<Assembly: AssemblyVersion("1.0.*")>
in my assemblyinfo.vb file.

I have built the file, rebuilt the file, built the solution, and rebuilt the solution and none have changed the file.

More Information

I am in release mode. I previously changed my assembly version to:
<Assembly: AssemblyVersion("1.0.0.x")>
where x was incremented on builds.
I have since changed back to
<Assembly: AssemblyVersion("1.0.*")>
and now when I compile the fileversion does not change on the EXE.

I have 5 projects in the solution and all do the same thing. I changed the assembly version back to 1.0.0.x and it changed to the version specified.

I then changed the assembly version back to 1.0.* and it works the first time for each individual project that I changed to 1.0.* but doesn't work have the first compile. It seems like it gets stuck.

Anyone else experience this?
Rebooting machine enables rebuild to auto increment

If I have my assemblyversion set to

<Assembly: AssemblyVersion("1.0.*")>

I can build the solution, check the file, and it increments the version. Then, if I build the solution again, check the file, it does not increment the version. I then rebuild the solution, check the file, and it does not increment the version.

I then rebooted my machine and it voila! I can build the solution, check the file, and it increments the version. Then, if I build the solution again, check the file, it does not increment the version.

Does anyone else experience this or do you manually set the version?
I normally always set the version manually - I just find it easier to keep track of that way. Is it just explorer showing this or do other tools (ildasm.exe for example) also show the same?
PlausiblyDamp said:
I normally always set the version manually - I just find it easier to keep track of that way. Is it just explorer showing this or do other tools (ildasm.exe for example) also show the same?

I am using explorer (XP Pro, SP2) to view the version info. I ran the ildasm on it and didn't see the assembly version info in the generated file.