browse directory


Mar 8, 2004
Hi to all,

i have searched the forum but did not find what i'm looking for. I'm new in ASP.NET so i need sime help here plz.

What i what is to browse directories and not files. In html the <input type="file"> searches a specific file but what i want is to select a directory.

I'm using so if you could give a help i would aprecciate.

thx to all
I'm programming ASP.NET using VB and i need to browse for directories. I know that html is not the solucoes i only gave it as an example of file browse.

does anyone know how to browse for directories allowing to choose one in
If you are using ASP.Net the client is still only recieving HTML, and as such is limited to the standard HTML controls.
Failing that you would need to investigate some other client side technology such as Java and provide your own custom UI.

It may help if you gave more details about why you need to do this as there could be an alternate solution to your problem.
Well what i want seems simple enough but i have some problems with directory browsing. So its this:

The administrator of the aplication can upload images to the database. There will be a directory (not always the same) where the images will be put. The admin them browses to that directory and selects it. By doing that it will upload all images in that directory to the database. I cannot consider doing one by one because there could be alot of images.

So i need to pick the directory and browse for all the files and upload them to the database.

Any good ideas how to do this?
You would need to use some other method - either a java applet to perform the work or possibly implement the file upload as a web service and provide a wndows based client to do the work.
actually a solved the problem! i can browse througth directories and get the files that existe currenttly there. And i can event open the file if i want.

you you want the solution just let me know and i'll post it here's quite simple.

Bare in mind that this browses througth the server's hard disk not the client's

here it is :)

Private Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
End Sub

In this sub "ServerDirectory" is a constant from where tou want to start. you can get all drives with

drives = System.IO.Directory.GetLogicalDrives()

Private Sub Browse()
Dim dir As DirectoryInfo = New DirectoryInfo(ServerDirectory)
Dim fsi As FileSystemInfo

For Each fsi In dir.GetFileSystemInfos()
'This means it is'nt a file thus a directory
If Not TypeOf fsi Is FileInfo Then
Dim d As DirectoryInfo = CType(fsi, DirectoryInfo)
Dim dirName As String = Path.GetFullPath(d.FullName.ToString)
If (d.GetDirectories().Length > 0) Then
End If
End If
Catch Ex As Exception
End Try
Next fsi

Catch Ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub

then recursevly i get all subdirectories

Private Sub LoadSubDirectory(ByVal thisDir, ByVal contadorPai, ByRef _menuHtml)

Dim dir As DirectoryInfo = New DirectoryInfo(thisDir)
Dim fsi As FileSystemInfo

For Each fsi In dir.GetFileSystemInfos()
If Not TypeOf fsi Is FileInfo Then
Dim d As DirectoryInfo = CType(fsi, DirectoryInfo)
Dim dirName As String = Path.GetFullPath
If (d.GetDirectories().Length > 0) Then
LoadSubDirectory(dirName, strMenuNome, _menuHtml)
End If

End If
Catch E As Exception

End Try
Next fsi

Catch E As Exception
End Try
End Sub

hope it helped :)