Bootstrapper plugin prob


Aug 8, 2004
Portugal / Barreiro
hello folks...

Am tired, really tired, i just can't get this plugin to work!!!

"To make sure that the plug-in is installed

From the Control Panel, click on Add or Remove Programs.
In the Add or Remove Programs dialog box, check the Currently installed programs list for Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003 Bootstrapper Plug-in.
If Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003 Bootstrapper Plug-in is not listed, you will need to download and install the Visual Studio .NET Framework Bootstrapper Plug-in from the Download Center.

You can also uninstall the Visual Studio .NET Framework Bootstrapper Plug-in by selecting it from the list and clicking Remove.
To install the .NET Framework with a Setup project

Make sure that the Visual Studio .NET Framework Bootstrapper Plug-in is installed.
Select the Setup project in Solution Explorer. On the Project menu, choose Properties.
Set the Bootstrapper property to Windows Installer Bootstrapper.
The .NET Framework redistributable will be packaged with the Setup.exe for the Setup project when it is built.

Note The .NET Framework launch condition must also be enabled; it is enabled by default for any project that references the .NET Framework. To check for the launch condition, from the View menu, point to Editor and choose Launch Conditions, then look for a launch condition named .Net Framework."

Ok, so this is the MS help to use the bootstrapper plugin... the only prob i have is that in the VIEW menu / EDITOR / LAUNCH CONDICTIONS the .net framework condition simply don't exist! Why? the plugin is listed in the install /uninstall window, so i guest its properly installed...

Anyway is not supposed for this plugin to add the framework in to the release dir? (if the plugin worked well?)

Hope can hear from u soon... tks in advance... :(