Binary searching


Apr 17, 2003
I'm a complete noob, so i'm not sure if this is the right place to post, so please forgive me.

Anyways, I need to write a prog that does a binary search to find a word and then convert it into word that matches specificly in another list. also, i need to have 'file not found' if no matches are found.
Any help would be great.

-Dave the noob
I'm sure many of us can help, but since this sounds like a school assignment, I'd prefer you demonstrate that you've actually given it some thought. If you post specific questions, you'll get specific answers.

If I've drawn the wrong conclusion, then you should be using the BinarySearch method built in to the appropriate data structures in the framework instead of writing your own anyway. On the other hand, if you knew it was a case that demanded you implement it yourself, you would likely also know how to do it:)