Best way to obtain data from multiple tables?

I suppose I should have clarified that... I have a database with 4 tables in it. I want to display related results from the db tables.
Example. All the tables are joined through Access on an "ID" field.
I know the proper way to join 2 tables, but how do you join more than two in one sql statement? Can you show me an example?
all tables. If you want only specific information, change the select part to
select table1.field1, table2.field1 from ...
Do I need to reference the item in the page as:
<%# Container.DataItem(DBReader("table.field")) %> OR
<%# Container.DataItem("field") %> OR
<%# Container.DataItem("table.field") %>
Or some other way?
it depends on whether or not the same field appears in the same table. For example if you want to display just you're ID's you could use as statements:
SELECT as Table1_ID, as Table2_ID FROM ...
the only field in all 4 tables that has the same name is the "ID" field.
here is how my tables are set up:
ID, Loginname, Password, Email
ID, address, city, state, website
ID, services, affiliations, photo
ID, memoblock1, memo2, memo3
(the memoblock areas are large text fields where the person in the database can store details about themselves or their services)

What I want to do is allow a user who searches and finds a service provider to click on the service providers name and get more detailed information (which is where the 4 tables joined comes in).
On the detailed information page I want to have all the information from all the tables be displayed on that one page.

So .. how do I do that?
Its not that hard. build it up. First join all the tables togeather. Then show the items you need to show.

use a Where statement to filter data, and a order by to sort it.
I am getting the following error:
Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression 'Login.LoginID = billing.LoginID INNER JOIN info ON Login.LoginID = info.LoginID INNER JOIN description ON Login.LoginID = description.LoginID'.

Here is my code:
SQLString = "SELECT * FROM Login INNER JOIN billing ON Login.LoginID = billing.LoginID INNER JOIN info ON Login.LoginID = info.LoginID INNER JOIN description ON Login.LoginID = description.LoginID"
DBCommand = New OleDbCommand(SQLString, DBConnection)

'-- Create a recordset of selected records from the database
DBReader = DBCommand.ExecuteReader()

The error points to the above line...
Do you see anything that I am missing?
I forgot, you have to use brackets


SELECT * FROM (((Login INNER JOIN billing ON Login.LoginID = billing.LoginID) INNER JOIN info ON Login.LoginID = info.LoginID) INNER JOIN description ON Login.LoginID = description.LoginID)

or somethingl ike that.
That fixed the problem, but now I have a new one... geesh...
Some fields don't have any info in them and when I try to retrieve them through the reader I get a Cast from type 'DBNull' to type 'String' is not valid.
How do I get it to work even though some fields are null?
Can you point me to an online tutorial or info on the isdbnull() function to learn about it? I have ASP.NET unleashed and it isn't referenced in there....
Thanks for ALL you help!! I appreciate it greatly.