Best way to do this?


Oct 22, 2004
Ok, I am making a webpage (asp) that will display a list of groups in a datagrid from a query in an Access database. When the user clicks on a group, i want it to then display a list of the subgroups for that group (again, based on a query). so it can either just refresh the datagrid with the new data or it can refresh the entire page, passing that group as a paramater that the new page would use to determine the data in the dataset, or i could make a separate page for each group (which would be the worst, but easiest) way...the subgroup link would then refresh the page/dataset to display a list of all the documents in that subgroup...when they click on the document, that would just be a straight hyperlink to the document's location on the webserver...

so i wanna know, should i focus on just refreshing the dataset or the entire page, and how would i pass the paramater if i refresh the page? any nudges in the right direction would be appreciated
how do i do that?
and once i refresh the page, i want that variable to somehow go into the datagrid to have it only show ones that have that variable value