Junior Contributor
Can you create a dll in c++ (pretty much just a directx wrapper) then use that dll in visual basic with that dll leaving open access to the d3d device, as VB usually uses managed directx while c++ does not.
Im not fully sure why i want to, i guess i feel that id get a bit more controll, the application would be easyer to port to c# and then possibly eventually to c++, but theres allot more documentation for C++ and for some reason things like my skinning mesh dont work and i cant find any support! anyways guess im just rambling, but wouldnt a wrapper dll be more efficiant if it was written in c++ vrs vb? (regardless of what launguage uses it).PlausiblyDamp said:Why would you want to use a managed language to access DirextX in an unmanaged way? Wouldn't it be easier to either write unmanaged C++ code or managed .Net code - after all MS have written a managed wrapper for DirextX so you may as well use it.
That clarifies it allot, for refrence i didnt think i could do a better job than managed dx, but a more specified job (aka more specific types of meshs, more tight commands) but the main concern was the lack of pointers thing you pointed out,... Hmm looks tempting though,.... can you use managed DX in C++ (dont ask me why)?Kavan said:Managed DirectX is written in c++ I guess. I doubt you'd do a better job at it (although there are quite big holes somewhere and I was forced to write my own wrapper for some of the broken functionality). If documentation is your problem wait for SDK 2004. It's quite possible to help yourself with c++ documentation however as most things are 1 to 1 mapping.
To answer your question. Yes it's possible to create a wrapper in c++ and use it from vb. But you can't leave it completely open. Meaning that you can't expose the raw objects but have to provide wrappers for all of the methods. Reason for this is that vb cannot use unsafe code (no pointers in vb).