Avoiding the problems with the Internet browser??


Mar 26, 2004
Hi all,

Over the last few projects I have worked on I have found that the existance of the back and forward buttons in the internet browser is a problem that occupies the minds of most programmers.

Now I was recently using my Internet banking option and I saw that the bank i use had created a new window when you access the Internet banking function. This window is different from the normal web browser in that it only has the close, minimise and maximise buttons. Looking at the window it looks very similar to the windows you can create using java. What I am wondering is can we create such a window using vb.net/asp.net or is it possible to create our pages in vb.net and then create this window using java and display the pages in the java window??

What is the problem you are attempting to solve? You mentioned the prevention of back/forward buttons...

Seems like a lot of overhead to prevent normal browser functions. Most UI designers will recommend a lot of up front time spent on making the page aware and handle user events instead of attempting to disable or circumvent it with technology. There are simply too many ways for a user to circumvent or work around most implementations.

Also, using coding wizardry may prevent access or be disabled anyway by some of your customer base...

Just some thoughts.
The best bet is set your cache timeout value to the lowest number that way when they hit 'Back' they get 'content expired' message and will stop hitting back and use the navigation buttons provided.
bri189a said:
The best bet is set your cache timeout value to the lowest number that way when they hit 'Back' they get 'content expired' message and will stop hitting back and use the navigation buttons provided.

Hi bri189a

Thanks for the suggestions on both this post and my post in regards to excel. Am going to have a look at the cache timeout value when I get a chance.
