Avoid tugging custom dlls around with app


Senior Contributor
Jan 29, 2003
I have a dll called ProgramAW that I made from my class Andrew. I put it in my references and but it only works if I use copy local when I copile it. Is there any way to embed my dll in the program so that I don't have an extra piece with my program or am I stuck with it?
Maybe I will just not use dll and stick with plain source code. Are there any disadvantages to that?
That is true. Maybe I am making my class wrong. I am putting all and I mean all of my methods into one class in one dll. I am worried that it may slow the programs down but it may not since all the methods except one are static.
Is there a reason your application has to be designed this way? It sounds almost like you're neglecting the OOP features of C# to do procedural programming.