authorization -web.config


Mar 8, 2004
i am using forms authentication. in my web.config i have

<authentication mode="Forms">

<forms loginUrl = "Logon.aspx" name = "adAuthCookie" timeout = "60" path="/">


<deny users = "?"/>
<allow users = "*"/>

my program contains logic to authorize what the user is allowed to access. A user clicks on a hyper link in a datagrid to access a form. The logic in the program determines whether the user is authorized to see this form of not.

the problem is that when the link is clicked on then a windows pop up appears asking for username and password and authorizes the user to view the page even if the code that i have written does no authorize. windows seems to be over -riding what i have configured the program to do. if i remove the authorization element from the webconfig then the user is not authorized to view anything.

does anyone know how to solve this?