Attempted to access an unloaded AppDomain


Apr 25, 2003
I have a DLL which i reference in my page. i start populating properties of this DLL from my page, when i get the follwoing error:
Attempted to access an unloaded AppDomain

The dll basically goes out to a network drive by using the UNC path and grabs files, The DLL always works for the first file it grabs but then on the next file grab call it gives me the above error.

when i check the values of the current domain before the next file grab call everything is still set correclty.

I have searched though google and other places for answers to this, and have come up empty.. Any help would be great, and at this point so need.

Thanks to anyone who has insight to this topic
I still havent figured this one out, it is happening on multiple PC though, Does anyone have any idea what this is or how i fix it?????
I am copying a database along with the schema and data and creating a new database in C# .Net using the SMO object . While doing so I get a error message "Attempted to access an unloaded AppDomain"
Kindly let me know if any one has a solution for this problem