Attaching Multiple OnClick Events to the same Function [C#]


Junior Contributor
Aug 11, 2003
Given a web form with an Image Button and Link Button, both, when clicked, will re-direct the user to the main.aspx web form.

To achieve this goal I wanted to have both the Image Button and Link Button using the same function [OnClick = “Enter_Click” in html] which I created as “public void Enter_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)” which generated the following error, “Method 'TEST.WebForm1.Enter_Click(object, System.EventArgs)' does not match delegate 'void System.Web.UI.ImageClickEventHandler(object, System.Web.UI.ImageClickEventArgs)'” for the image button.

However if I use the one provided above it fails for my link button instead with a similar error except requested that I use “System.EventArgs e”, is there no way to do this in one function or must I write 2 separate ones, one for the Image Button and one for the Link Button (with the only difference being the Event Argument passed in)?
Not 100% sure what you mean, isn't that what I am currently trying to do?
Can you provide an example?
private function myfunction()

'do your stuff here
end function

call this function in the eventhandlers of your imagebutton and linkbutton