ASP.NET: What files to upload?


Sep 3, 2004
OK, I've done quite a bit with ASP.NET, but one thing that I am not sure on is, what files do I really need to upload?

When I upload the files to my host, or a client's site, I usually just upload everything from the directory on my application, minus the Solution Files (*.sln)

Can someone tell me which files I actually need to upload for the application to work, without having excess?

From visual studio you can go to the project menu and get it to copy the relevant files to a production server.
If you wish to do it manually then you will need to copy the bin directory (contains the dlls etc), the aspx, asmx (if present), asax (if present), web.config and any other content (xml, jpeg, html etc)
Thanks to both of you, the main one that I wasn't sure on was the resx, which has been cleared up now.

Thank You both!
