I'm no ASP.NET expert - haven't used it for about 9 months. But if I remember right and I'm not getting too confused, you can use a grid control. It's not like an embedded object that requires IE. Instead, it was a server-side control that spits out the proper HTML for you so that you don't have to worry about IE, Netscape, etc. It will add attributes and elements as needed to format the table however you tell it (colors, columns to include, etc.). It even supports paging (show 10 records at a time with Next/Prev/Jump-To-Page-X) through server-side round trips (of course).
We use(d) it for awhile. I moved on to another project in WinForms so I can't say how well it's worked 9 months into the project. Like anything, I'm sure they have their uses. If you have old ASP functions that build tables from Recordsets it may be easier to convert that code to ASP.NET. But I'd check out the server-side controls to see what they offer.