sending scheduled email to db recipients


Jan 3, 2004
Whew, the title was tough in itself... now for the question...

The background:
I have an app that tracks problems and fixes. With each problem there is a date that is set that the problem has to be fixed by. All problems and their dates are stored in a sql server db. Along with all project leaders, assignees and their contact information.

The problem:
An email needs to be sent to the project leader if the date is 2 days away, the current date or if it is overdue. With a status or a reminder that says "Hey, your people need to get on the ball, time is coming (passed or today) etc." It also needs to have minor details about problem.
So basically, it needs to check the database to see if there are any dates that are coming, passed or due today and then send the email notification out to the assignee and the project leader.

The Question:
HOW do I do this? BTW, it does need to be done on the server exclusively since I will not be here all the time to push it to run - so it all has to be done automatically.

Any help is appreciated.
You could always write a little windows program, that has a timer, that runs (say every two to four hours) and checks the database based on the current time and date and then calls and web service to send out the email with the details.

Nearly forgot, the timer works on milliseconds so 6000 = 1 minute.

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If it is being done on a SQL Server then build a scheduled DTS package to run your query, then build and send the result via email to the appropriate people.