ASP.NET networking quandry


Junior Contributor
Nov 24, 2004
Hi guys,

I am unsure of how to accomplish what it is I am trying to attain. I want to have a webpage made in ASP.NET (using C# code) which I have done (without networking code programmed in). The user then chooses from 3 dropdown combo boxes. The first loads the servers, the second loads all the players on the chosen server. The third gives reasons why an Administrator should get into the game to reprimand the player. This can be found at . What I want is to have a program running on every admins computer. When someone submits a complaint form I want it to go to every admin's program which will then popup and tell them about the complaint, etc. I then want the admins to respond by clicking a button to stop the alert and send to the rest of the admin who is going to take care fo the problem. (I guess I'm going to have usernames too [no password's needed, trusted network]). Once the admin clicks the button the request goes away and the program goes back down into the system tray on every other admins computer. The admin that takes it stays up so that he can get the information from the complaint to which server and person, etc.

I am wondering what is the best way to tackle this. I am open to any suggestions. I have never done programming like this before, it all has been non-internet based. I was thinking maybe an XML file that the client constantly reads or a server program that the webpage talks to, I don't know guys, any and all help is appreciated. Thanks!
