ASP.NET/Macintosh compatability


Jun 14, 2005
I recently finished my first ASP.NET application. Everything works fine in IE on my PC but when I tested in IE on a Mac, the app completely shuts down IE. I have a datagrid with one column being a dropdownlist. When I click on the dropdownlist, IE shuts down with no error given. Any ideas what the problem might be? Thanks!!
It's a macintosh...'crash different' (if you haven't seen it:

Seriously though, the version of IE on macs doesn't support nearly what it does on a PC. I would imagine it has something to do with the javascript ASP creates, but that javascript is pretty generic and I can't see why it would be the error, everything else about a drop down list and datagrid are common html tags when rendered. Make sure you have the most recent verision of IE for your mac and any hotfixes that are out.
bri189a said:
It's a macintosh...'crash different' (if you haven't seen it:

Seriously though, the version of IE on macs doesn't support nearly what it does on a PC. I would imagine it has something to do with the javascript ASP creates, but that javascript is pretty generic and I can't see why it would be the error, everything else about a drop down list and datagrid are common html tags when rendered. Make sure you have the most recent verision of IE for your mac and any hotfixes that are out.

haha, I had not seen that yet. I'm not a fan of Macs either but that's all that some of our customers use. So, this app needs to run on a Crapintosh :) . I have the most recent version of IE and it still does not work. I have not tested on any other browsers yet so I might try that and see what happens. There must be some way to make the dropdownlist work on the Mac version of IE though.
I've always had problems with certain versions of MAC IE, but none of them have "shut down" on me. I usually get a corrput viewstate error with them, even when I turn off viewstate and I've also tried viewstate chunking, so dont know what to tell you but that you are not alone. If you discover an answer to your particular problem, please do post back.
kahlua001 said:
I've always had problems with certain versions of MAC IE, but none of them have "shut down" on me. I usually get a corrput viewstate error with them, even when I turn off viewstate and I've also tried viewstate chunking, so dont know what to tell you but that you are not alone. If you discover an answer to your particular problem, please do post back.

Well I've tried 2 versions of Mac IE, 5.0 and 5.1, on 3 different machines and and have had 3 different things happen when I click on the dropdownlist. One machine gives me an error of "Type 1" and then closes IE. Another machine just closes IE without giving an error. The other machine gives an error of "Type 10" and then reboots itself. I have not seen the corrupt viewstate error...Yet. The machines I've tested on are all running OS 9.2, so I'm going to try OS 10 and see what happens.
How does it run on Safari or some other 'MAC' browser? Is it possible that you can just use the server.request.browser properties to detect that it's a MAC and IE and just redirect them to generic html page that says because of errors in IE for Macintosh the site is not viewable or something along that nature? It sounds like a fun problem, that's for sure, only if I had a Mac to see it for myself...but I don't...darn :)
bri189a said:
How does it run on Safari or some other 'MAC' browser? Is it possible that you can just use the server.request.browser properties to detect that it's a MAC and IE and just redirect them to generic html page that says because of errors in IE for Macintosh the site is not viewable or something along that nature? It sounds like a fun problem, that's for sure, only if I had a Mac to see it for myself...but I don't...darn :)

I'm sure you really really wish you had the privilege of owning a Mac :rolleyes: haha.

I did try it in Netscape. I think this is the first time I've ever had something work in Netscape but not in IE...go figure. It works just fine in Netscape so until I get the IE problem figured out, Mac users will have to be using Netscape while working in this app ;). When I get a chance, I will try running it in another browser like Safari.