ASP.NET Forums


Mar 25, 2004

I'm developing a community web site for my local town, a youth based site, and we want to have a forum. However, the forums will need to be integrated with the rest of our site (eg, users on our site should have automatic accounts on the forums, etc..). So they'll need to be .NET (because (1) Our server only supports .NET and (2) The rest of the sites in .NET, I'd hate to start using PHP now).

I have the beta of the ASP.NET Forums (, but because it's a beta its got a few problems and I don't want to spend ages integrating it with my site, just to upgrade a week later. Are there any other (free) reliable ASP.NET forums out there?

Don't get me wrong, I love the ASP.NET forums and I think the team is doing an awesome job, but this is something I can't afford to use a beta on.

Thanks in advance,

I think that you have a few solutions :

-Work with a Beta
-Find an ASP(or PHP) one and upgrade it to ASP.NET (big work there also)
-Build your own forums (kinda big project let me say)
-Or wait 'til someone realse one that you're gonna pay 60$ a year. :p

Your choice depend of how much time you have. (They are sorted by Less Time to More Time - well ... I think)

My Choice : Remaking a free forum (they give you the source) should be the fastest solution. Or you might want to work with a beta.

Wow awesome, I was about ready to give up, but Chatterbox looks like just the thing I'm looking for. I've had some exposure to VB.NET in the past, so I think I'll be able to figure it out. Thanks for the great information!