ASP.NET Error when uploaded


Sep 3, 2004
Can someone please tell me why I'm still getting this 'No Info' error when I've already turned off Custom Errors?

The page is here - #Removed#

This is in the Web.Config file

       <customErrors mode="off" />


Of course, I remove all other non-pertinent info for the post.

The page works fine when testing on my machine.

On the web however, the first part of the page works fine, where you actually enter a user name, and go to the next page, but what doesn't work is when you try and 'Send a Message'. The application writes to an XML file, and then uses a File System Watcher Component to gather some other data.

Can someone please help me. I've been working with ASP.NET for some time now, but haven't deployed anything outside of my home, or a local network for a client.

Thank You

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OK, The Custom Errors issue was that I had the mode as 'off' and not 'Off' - Darn Case Sensitive and the error itself was that my changes to the IIS Permissions on my site hadn't taken yet.

However, there is another issue arising. The File System Watcher Changed Event is not firing? It fires just fine on my local IIS, however, it's not when I upload it to the site? I've been searching on Google and haven't been able to find anything on it. I found a vague forum posting on another site that sort of hinted that the File System Watcher is buggy when post on the net?

Can someone shed some light on this subject?

Thank You

ASP is a stateless technology. In otherwords code only runs when the page is requested or posted. If you have a page that creates a FileSystemWatcher object, it runs during that post back...from Page_Init to Page_Unload, after that the FileSystemWatcher is dead and is recreated newly on the next request or post back. The FileSystemWatcher is typically used for GUI applications, not the web.
Thanks. I was assuming this as I work with ASP alot, but when I seen that it allowed you to use the Control in ASP.NET Pages as well and didn't just limit it to VB.NET, which I have used it in with great success, I thought maybe there was something I was missing.

That was a total mistake on my part, I confused myself because I was entering data, and posting back the page, which would cause the FSW to trigger, so I was thinking it was working. Just a confusion of myself.

Now, I am curious though. I seen a site - - I believe, that has an ASP.NET Chat Application, which does not use Automatic, or any refreshing for that matter, to gather new messages, The application I'm doing would require something similar, but I'm wondering how they did that.

BTW, I Love the Validation Controls with ASP.NET, saves me the hassle of Javascript and it's darn case-sensitive issues!!! I've had VS.NET for about a year now, but have been mainly using .NET Windows Applications, and have only done local apps in ASP.NET, but am doing some more things for my clients with ASP.NET and love all of the new features.

I would imagine they are just incorporating traditionally Java technology into their pages. I seriously doubt that it's ASP that is doing the actually chatting as no matter how they advertise it ASP requires server refreshes - it's static; you can't change that fact, but there is no reason they couldn't put a java applet in there ASP page/control, just like any static html page can contain a java applet, you understand? You could make something similiar by using some hidden div's and IFRAME off screen that are constantly refreshing back to the server making it 'appear' live and 'appear' that there are no post backs, but that would be h*ll on the server.
That's exactly what I was thinking. It just drove me nuts that they keep saying "ASP.NET Chat with no refreshing" - I hate not knowing how something is done, but even more when I don't know, and don't believe it.
