ASP.NET Control: Built in checkbox in combobox


Aug 19, 2005
Hi Guys,

Do we have a control in where we have
a combo-box with checkboxes in it?

Meaning lets say we have 3 items in the combo-box,
we should have 3 checkboxes assigned to each item in the combo-box
so that user can select multiple records at once

Any tutorial or reference would be very helpful..

Thanks in advance..
I don't think there is an HTML control that represents that kind of behavior so there wouldn't be an ASP.NET control that does. Your talking about having a Access style drop down list where instead of simply highlighting an item you can place a check on it instead right? If you can find a plain HTML control that has that sort of behavior you can create one.
Yea, i mean having checkboxes in combo-box, the main idea behind this is to allow user to have a drop down list and allow them to select multiple items..

I was just wondering if anyone have actually created this kind of control, hope you dont mind sharing it with me..Is it possible to create such a custom control in dotnet?

Actually i just want to capability to select multiple items in combo-box. Is it possible..Meaning i want to have a drop down list (something like combobox) and allow user to select 1 or more items in the control?
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