ASP.NET Compatible with MySQL?


Jan 11, 2003
Wrexham, Wales
Hey guys, long time no see. I'm just studying ASP in college at the moment, and it seems a little easier than PHP (going back to roots, I'm better with VB than Java!) - however, I was wondering whether ASP.NET was compatible with MySQL databases, or just Microsoft's own SQL?

Additionally, I know both PHP and ASP are interpreted rather than compiled, but is there a significant performance difference between the two?

Cheers peeps,

Yes, you can do MySQL with ASP.NET.

I can't compare PHP to .NET but remember that .NET is not interpreted, it is JIT'ed. That means the code is compiled as needed. A DLL stores the IL code. When you run the program, the .NET engine loads in the code as needed and compiles it on the fly. If you have a large function in your DLL but it's never called, it won't get compiled. JIT is for "just in time".

So you DO take a small hit to load the IL and have the engine compile it on the fly (just in time), but the execution after that is as fast as any compiled code.

This is different than VB6 and prior, which always interpreted every line of code. So if you had an "if" inside of a loop, it would need to be interpreted every time through. This is not the case with .NET. I can't speak for PHP, I know nothing of it.

Nerseus said:
Yes, you can do MySQL with ASP.NET.

I can't compare PHP to .NET but remember that .NET is not interpreted, it is JIT'ed. That means the code is compiled as needed. A DLL stores the IL code. When you run the program, the .NET engine loads in the code as needed and compiles it on the fly. If you have a large function in your DLL but it's never called, it won't get compiled. JIT is for "just in time".

So you DO take a small hit to load the IL and have the engine compile it on the fly (just in time), but the execution after that is as fast as any compiled code.

This is different than VB6 and prior, which always interpreted every line of code. So if you had an "if" inside of a loop, it would need to be interpreted every time through. This is not the case with .NET. I can't speak for PHP, I know nothing of it.


Hypothesizing on .net's use of JIT; is that mainly for security? because i can see the plus side to that and also a negative if .net's protocol has bugs.