asp:hyperlink question


Jan 16, 2004
Hey Uncle - how ya been.. no talk in a long time..

Qestion I have a page that has a asp:hyplerlink control. Also this page has an object Person - properties of a,b,c. Property a is already set - I want to have a hyperlink on this page - that hyperlink will open a new window - the user can perform a search and choose an item. Then click on that item and set properties a and b back in the opening page. I can do this in traditional asp via opener and setting hidden form fields. How might I go about this in Also how can I specify attributes in the hyperlink control to show now toolbars or urlwindow?

You should be able to do the same thing in ASP.NET as in ASP.

I assume to where using a javascript function to open another window etc?

If so, then to make the hyperlink of button run the javascript code, type the following in the Page_Load event:

hyperlink1.attributes.add("onclick","enter the javascript function here!!")

What the above code does is assigns an onclick event to the hyperlink to run your javascript function.