Are these comments or not?


Jan 18, 2004
Longview, TX [USA]
Are the following lines comments or exectuable code in an ASP.NET file?

<!-- #include file='~/imageswap.html' -->
<!--<asp:HyperLink ID="HyperLink10" runat="server" NavigateUrl="~/About/BrucesBrew.aspx"><asp:Image ID="WhatsBrewingPhoto" runat="server" ImageUrl="~/Images/Common/Extras/WhatsBrewing/WhatsBrewingPhoto01.jpg" BorderWidth="0" /></asp:HyperLink> -->
<%--<asp:Image ID="WhatsBrewingLS" runat="server" ImageUrl="~/Images/Common/Extras/WhatsBrewing/WhatsBrewingLeftSpacer.gif" BorderWidth="0" /><asp:ImageButton ID="BrewingPrevious" runat="server" ImageUrl="~/Images/Common/Extras/WhatsBrewing/WhatsBrewingPrevious.gif" BorderWidth="0" /><asp:ImageButton ID="BrewingNext" runat="server" ImageUrl="~/Images/Common/Extras/WhatsBrewing/WhatsBrewingNext.gif" BorderWidth="0" /><asp:Image ID="WhatsBrewingRS" runat="server" ImageUrl="~/Images/Common/Extras/WhatsBrewing/WhatsBrewingRightSpacer.gif" BorderWidth="0" /><br />--%>

I'm supposed to be fixing this ASP.NET site that someone else built and we don't have the project for it.

But I honestly don't know that much about the technology.
<!-- #include file='~/imageswap.html' -->
is including the file ~/imageswap.html into the current file and is not a comment while I think the other two lines are comments :confused:

If you delete each of those lines in turn does it break anything?
Are the following lines comments or exectuable code in an ASP.NET file?

<!-- #include file='~/imageswap.html' -->
<!--<asp:HyperLink ID="HyperLink10" runat="server" NavigateUrl="~/About/BrucesBrew.aspx"><asp:Image ID="WhatsBrewingPhoto" runat="server" ImageUrl="~/Images/Common/Extras/WhatsBrewing/WhatsBrewingPhoto01.jpg" BorderWidth="0" /></asp:HyperLink> -->
<%--<asp:Image ID="WhatsBrewingLS" runat="server" ImageUrl="~/Images/Common/Extras/WhatsBrewing/WhatsBrewingLeftSpacer.gif" BorderWidth="0" /><asp:ImageButton ID="BrewingPrevious" runat="server" ImageUrl="~/Images/Common/Extras/WhatsBrewing/WhatsBrewingPrevious.gif" BorderWidth="0" /><asp:ImageButton ID="BrewingNext" runat="server" ImageUrl="~/Images/Common/Extras/WhatsBrewing/WhatsBrewingNext.gif" BorderWidth="0" /><asp:Image ID="WhatsBrewingRS" runat="server" ImageUrl="~/Images/Common/Extras/WhatsBrewing/WhatsBrewingRightSpacer.gif" BorderWidth="0" /><br />--%>

I'm supposed to be fixing this ASP.NET site that someone else built and we don't have the project for it.

But I honestly don't know that much about the technology.

I know this is a semi-old thread (sort of), but I wanted to answer it, so others aren't confused.

<!-- #include file='~/imageswap.html' -->
This line will include a file for you. Since there's a tilde (~) and the beginning, it will start at the root and go through the directory structure to your location. So this is looking for imageswap.html in the root of the website.

<!--<asp:HyperLink ID="HyperLink10" runat="server" NavigateUrl="~/About/BrucesBrew.aspx"><asp:Image ID="WhatsBrewingPhoto" runat="server" ImageUrl="~/Images/Common/Extras/WhatsBrewing/WhatsBrewingPhoto01.jpg" BorderWidth="0" /></asp:HyperLink> -->
This line will process your ASP.NET object (in this case, two HyperLinks and an Image) but when it processes it, it will be placed in a comment block and be invisible to the visitor. Viewing the source of the page will still yield HTML code associated with this.

<%--<asp:Image ID="WhatsBrewingLS" runat="server" ImageUrl="~/Images/Common/Extras/WhatsBrewing/WhatsBrewingLeftSpacer.gif" BorderWidth="0" /><asp:ImageButton ID="BrewingPrevious" runat="server" ImageUrl="~/Images/Common/Extras/WhatsBrewing/WhatsBrewingPrevious.gif" BorderWidth="0" /><asp:ImageButton ID="BrewingNext" runat="server" ImageUrl="~/Images/Common/Extras/WhatsBrewing/WhatsBrewingNext.gif" BorderWidth="0" /><asp:Image ID="WhatsBrewingRS" runat="server" ImageUrl="~/Images/Common/Extras/WhatsBrewing/WhatsBrewingRightSpacer.gif" BorderWidth="0" /><br />--%>
Finally, this line will COMPLETELY ignore any code. I don't even think it's processed on the server's end.

Since HTML is client-side, ASP.NET objects are processed before being displayed, so <%-- --%> is to ASP.NET as <!-- --> is to HTML.

I hope this helps!

Thanks Derek,

This is an ongoing project that I occasionally get a call to do some fixes or updates to (you are welcome to take over, if you are interested).

I tried removing these lines, thinking they were comments, and the page simply did not work. I new there was something else involved, but symbols (like <!-- --> and <%-- --%>) are difficult to look up in a search engine.
Thanks Derek,

This is an ongoing project that I occasionally get a call to do some fixes or updates to (you are welcome to take over, if you are interested).

I tried removing these lines, thinking they were comments, and the page simply did not work. I new there was something else involved, but symbols (like <!-- --> and <%-- --%>) are difficult to look up in a search engine.

I hear you on that one!

I'm glad I came across this post, though. Gives me a topic to blog about :D
