Appliction hang on myTabcontrol.selectedIndex


Apr 17, 2008
I have a large sinlge threaded application, which occasionally hang on the line mytabcontrol.selectedindex = 3. The tab does have a tab page that has controls on it. When I break the code its just hanging on this line (green in colour).

For such hangs is there any way we can see the call stack beyond this line of execution?

Any ideas or suggestion would be greatly apprciated.

Just found out some additional info. Seems to be stuck in a loop calling the .net ContainerControl.ActivateControlInternal
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Try SelectTab() any difference, I would assume not.

What else is going on in the application? Any eventhandling code hooked up to the controls in the TabControl?

Show some code.
I found a work around. If set the focus to a control on the main form (not on the tabepage) before I select the tab then the hang does nto occurr. Not very happy about it though. Seems like a bug in the .netframework.

There is an event linked to the selectedindexchanged, however I don't even reach the code.