Application has generated an exception that could not be handled


May 2, 2003
Please help me after the installation of my application on the user's computer, i have this error when trying to execute it

Application has generated an exception that could not be handled. Process ID=21554 . . . .

If any body can help me !!..... please do it

Regards ...
The application is a windows based application using crystal report. it was built whith .NET Framework 1.1. I made a setup project to deploy it. On the developpement computer (Whith NET Framework 1.1 SDK) it works whithout any error. But even the installation on a client computer doesn't show any error , when i try to execute my new application, i have a dialog box that says:

Application has generated an exception that could not be handled. Process ID=(ProcessNumber) Thread=....

On the client computer NET Framework 1.1 and MDAC are already installed (prior to the application Installation)
Hi, I have the same problem and I have already tried to assigne full trust to the intranet contents as suggested by a friend the funny is that the project is working fine on another PC with Visual Studio .NET installed......... Mabe problem with any DLL??? or similar?
Howdy, :)

I just ran into this problem myself about 2 days ago. Here's the deal. When you're distributing applications that use Crystal Reports, there are some extra files that must be installed on the user's machine.

Go to Crystal Decisions support website (

Click to Search for Technical Papers only and search for this document...


This technical document discusses Application Deployment for Crystal Reports and Visual Studio .NET. If you follow the instructions in this document for Deploying a Windows Application, you should be good to go.

Hope this helps!