application deployment fails on Pocket PC


Jul 19, 2004

When I started to work with my project everything was OK. I could deploy on device different solutions. But one day everything stopped. Since this day I reinstalled many times both Windows and Visual Studio .NET.
Some people give advice to ensure that file toolhelp.dll exist on device. I installed Pocket PC SDK 2002, but cannot see executable CeFileViewer. Where could I find it?

My system is:

Windows XP professional
Visual Studio .NET 2003 Enterprise Architect
ActiveSync 3.71


iPAQ 3850
Windows CE 3.0
Processor type: SA1110

I tried to run my application on device with many combination of reset, put device in cradle, run ProxyPorts.reg, DelDesktopCryptKey.exe (from WinCE Utilities), etc., but without any success.
On of them (maybe the 'ideal' one) is described as follows:
1. Hard reset on Pocket PC
2. Reset Windows
3. Put Pocket PC in the cradle (connected with PC by COM port).
4. Choose “Guess Partnership”
5. Run MS Visual Studio .NET 2003.
6. In VS run project (Ctrl-F5) and choose device

The result of all those manipulations:

On Desktop:

In output window of VS:

------ Build started: Project: Cistern, Configuration: Debug Pocket PC ------
Preparing resources...
Updating references...
Performing main compilation...

Build complete -- 0 errors, 0 warnings
Building satellite assemblies...
Visual Studio is ready to deploy Cistern

------ Deploy started: Project: Cistern, Configuration: Debug Pocket PC -----
Deploying to Pocket PC Device using TCP Connect Transport Connected to Pocket PC Device (Pocket PC) running on ARM.
Copying files from ‘…\Cistern\bin\Debug' to '\Program Files\Cistern'
Copying Cistern.exe
Launching device installation of ''. Please check device screen for further instructions...............................

After 2-3minutes appears the following window:

Device installation of ‘’ has not completed. Please check the device screen for further instructions. Press OK to proceed once the issue on the device has been resolved.

On device:
Appears the message window:
"Ecriture des informations pour suppression des programmes…" (in French)
In English it could be something like this:
"Information writing for program removal …"
Deployment indicator (circle with rotating sectors) doesn't stop working and device is blocked: the only solution is to do soft reset.

I stay with this problem for many days already …

Could anyone help me to circumvent this problem.

Many thanks in advance.
