Any splitter control for Web Form?

Splitter control for web forms

Frames are not quite the equivalent of a splitter control because each frame is a separate page, while a splitter control on a Window form still allows you to have all controls on the same form.

For web form applications where you want to allow the user to resize various regions in your app, using frames is a real burden if the web forms in the various frames have tightly coupled data and behaviors, i.e., if you have a button in frame1 that loads data into a form in frame2 and a button in frame2 that loads a form in frame1. A lot of extra work is needed to maintain state with JavaScript, and sessions, cookies, or querystrings.

cheng_sh said:
Hello, anybody has idea about adding splitter control in webform?
thank you
I highly suggest that you use table (<table>). Frames aren't used anymore by any big company. Any company that aren't forced to put frames on their website won't have one.

If you want a menu... make a 2 columns table and put your menu in the left one.
It's how any professional web site are done.