& > &


May 29, 2010
Hi everybody,
I am so sorry if this is a very newbie question but I need help in this field as my search didn't return good results.
I am creating/writing a XML document but using a string builder!!!
Everything is alright and working great but one thing: I noticed that fields that contains special characters like & will cause the whole XML document to corrupt!
So I found that I need to change & with & in my document.
There are 2 questions now:

1. Using String.Replace is the best way to do so? Is there a better function for this in .NET framework?
2. What about other special characters I don't know about?

Thank you :)
You would probably have a much easier time using the built in xml support found under the System.Xml namespace. XmlWriter, XmlSerializer and XmlDocument will all allow you to create xml documents.