allow Combo box edit (data loaded via Properties)


May 5, 2005

I have a combo box that is loaded via the properties definition. (Items / Collection) What I have been tasked to do is allow the user to add a new value if the value is not found in the list presented.
Is there a way to do this ?
Do I need to load this combo box from a table?

I would prefer to load from the Properties/Item/Collection however I can modify the data source if there is not another way.

Before you wonder.. I did do a search through the forums for a solution and found quite a few for loading from a table or file but none using the Properties/Item/Collection.

The combo box control allows users to type in their own text if they so desire. Is that kind of what you are looking for or do you want the ability to add additional entries to the list of items in the combobox?

combobox.items.add() would be the way to add more items in the code... assuming you were referring to initializing the combobox in the designer when you said that you " have a combo box that is loaded via the properties definition"..
ref Combo box edit

Thanks for the response.
As you can tell by the question, I am a newbie to VB.Net.

I created the list of items for the combo box when I defined the form using the VB.NET IDE. Is it possible to update that collection (as defined during the form creation) with data entered through the running form? If need be, I can move the information to a table and load it at run time but I would rather not have to do that. (Tight Deadlines and all)
