Alert Server and client


Mar 8, 2004
Hi to all,

well this will tricky to explain exactly what i need to do.

I have to implement a taxi service where you can reserve a taxi through the web instead of the phone.

So the client enters the website and logs himself (ou whatever) and sends a request to the taxi service.

Now here is what i need to do.

when a client sends the request i need to warn the operator that a "call" (in this case a web request) has come in. The alert comes in as a popup or other means (i am open to whatever means is the best) and the operator allocates a taxi to the client. When that is done i need to send back to the client the number of the taxi and the time it arrives.

So how can i alert the operator that a request has come and how do i alert the client that his taxi is already comming (in a later implementation SMS will be used but for now i need a web solution)?
The simple way and in my opinion the most reliable is to have on both end users, sit on a page that refreshes every so often and checks the status of the taxi job.
yes...i thougth of that but i wanted something else than a refresh.

imagem that i am the client and waiting for the taxi number. The server (operator) has dispached that request and sends the information back to the client. How can i detect that the information is there? (i really would like a better solution that to use refresh)

thx to all