AgeSpecified - a keyword?


May 27, 2003
Is "AgeSpecified" something that is used anywhere is DotNet or does it recognize the word as something else? Iam trying to adda referecne to the webservice from my client.

The Web Service has a property named "AgeSpecified".However, when the client gets the reference to this property, it changes the name to "AgeSpecified1" and it maps it to "AgeSpecified" itself.

Why does this happen? Please reply.
It's not reserved that I know of. I wonder if you have an overload for that webmethod? You have to put a special attribute on it if you want an overloaded webmethod.

Age Specified

No, it is not an overloaded method. In fact, Age Specified is a property of a class.

if Agespecified is used, it does not change that name. It is even case sensitive !!! any clues?