advice needed:Garbage Collection


Mar 8, 2004
Ok, I have a new job and they have this issue...

There's a ASP.Net "worker process" that keeps Viewstates. Users like to keep their sessions all day long.When the limit reaches 630 Meg, users get a msg that viewstate has been deleted and this "worker process" restarts and users lose their session...

Solution by the people who developed the app is to move viewstate to the database. I think a lot of code changes...

what other solutions are there? I think one is to keep the viewstate on another server..i think...

any thoughts?
When you say Viewstate - do you mean ASP.Net viewstate? If so that is stored on the client as part of the generated HTML and as such shouldn't be stored on the server.

If on the other hand you mean Session state then yes this could be stored in a DB simply by altering the web.config (and possibly installing the state DB on a suitable SQL server).

Also why do the need to keep there session and all associated data all day long - what on earth are they doing (or think they are doing) that requires this? How many users are concurrent on the system that they are hitting 630M of session information?
You need to analyze the code and check what kind of objects are held in the session, perhaps some optimizing is needed.
Thanks for the response..Going to talk to the developers in the morning to get more info.

Will post again.
They said they were keeping datasets in session. Now they change the code and using cache and this should fix the issue but we shall see when the code goes into production.