adding check page for downloading pdf's


Jul 28, 2004
Hi, I'm trying to add an info gathering page so whenever people view a pdf of mine, they'll have to submit some information. I've created the info page, but now I'm stuck on how to implement this info page to the destination.

I have a page with links to pdf's. I would like this info page to come out everytime someone clicks on those links to view the pdf's. After they fill out the info, they can get redirected to the pdf

any suggestions? btw, this is all in VB .NET

much thanks in advance
so , you have a page with links to PDFs, when user clicks on a link, u want to pop-up a second page, and user fills the second page and then this second page launches the URL?

If so, I think you can popup the second page in the click event of the each URL, user fills the info, clicks , for example, submit, then that submit launches the URL...

yes, no?
Pop up a window, hmm.....didn't think of that. the only thing is I have 3 pdf's that I want this done. How do I make sure that after the info page, I'd get it to go to the right pdf?


eramgarden said:
so , you have a page with links to PDFs, when user clicks on a link, u want to pop-up a second page, and user fills the second page and then this second page launches the URL?

If so, I think you can popup the second page in the click event of the each URL, user fills the info, clicks , for example, submit, then that submit launches the URL...

yes, no?
I think u need to hold that URL in a session variable or viewState. Somehow keep that URL so that the user's choice is not lost.
I'll look into the viewstate. Session variables are too darn costly in mem.

thank you very much for the suggestions

eramgarden said:
I think u need to hold that URL in a session variable or viewState. Somehow keep that URL so that the user's choice is not lost.