Activex Componants, Visual and


Feb 20, 2006
As part of a university project i have to a create an activex componant that times the download of a file of known size. This is so that my website can measure the bandwidth of any client machine that accesses it.

I am coding my website in using visual 2003, i have never used activex before and am unsure of how to link my web site to an activex componant let alone code the activex componant.

Below i have wrote an algorithm of what i believe the activex componant will do. I am unsure of whether this is correct.

Start download
Start timer
Error = False
while error = false
while (timer<given threashold) AND (download is finished)
Stop Timer
Return Timer value
error = true
end while

I would be grateful if someone could send me a small activex componant and let me know how to call on it in my visual web application, just so i can practice using activex with visual studio .net 2003.

I would also be grateful if you could advise me whether i am on the right track with the activex componant that i have to design to measure bandwidth.


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PlausiblyDamp said:
You can add it as a reference to a project and treat it like a .Net library.

Thought it would be along them lines.

Has anyone got any advise as to how i would go about creating an activex componant, that measures the amount of time it takes a file to download to a client machine?

Would the activex componant actually initiate the download and time it or would i do this in my web application then call on the activex componant to time it?


Heple said:
Thought it would be along them lines.

Has anyone got any advise as to how i would go about creating an activex componant, that measures the amount of time it takes a file to download to a client machine?

Would the activex componant actually initiate the download and time it or would i do this in my web application then call on the activex componant to time it?


Do you need a client side activex control? or a server side COM control?
I would like to see the exact assignment requirements.

ActiveX usually implies user interface. This will be embeded and instance in the client browser via an <object> tag. you can't create a pure activex control with .Net.

google "media player in web page" for an example of embedding activex.
Well I'm not sure who advised that but I see no need for activex, the way the page you used as an example works is it takes the time, sends a specific amount of data, then takes the time again. Then it just finds out the difference between the two times and thats how long it took.