Accessing controls on other forms


Feb 9, 2004
Ann Arbor, MI
I am working on an ASP.Net program while one of my coworkers is out for the week. I don't have much experience with ASP, or anythying .Net.

He has a tab system set up with a different form for each tab. The second tab needs to read data from the first one and display it, but the only way he's found to do that is to make those controls "Public Shared" instead of "Protected WithEvents" Every time I edit the form, ASP.Net puts those controls back to "Protected WithEvents"

Is there some "proper" way to share the contents of controls between forms that doesn't require me to change the declaration of the controls? I just thought of making a few public functions for the first form that would return the contents of a control, that the second form could call... that seems like it would work just fine. Is that the preferred method? Are there any others?
