A couple of network deployment probs...


Nov 16, 2003

I have written some software for my local school.

1) I understand that I have to install the .NET Framework on each of the machines in school (+600 terminals) - we don't have it installed yet. So, can I automate the installation of .NET Framework on all the computers in the network without having to go to each terminal? (We are using Windows XP and Server 2003)

2) If I place the software in a shared location (our dfs root) the location would be \\domain\dfs\apps\folder\prog.exe. I understand that I have to modify the 'trusts' on the .NET Framework. So, what is this 'trusts' business? and can I modify all the trusts for each terminal in our network at once?

1. I don't think there is any Windows build-in utility let you do it. You may need to buy third party software to do it.
2. You let user run the software from your share folder??
It was just a thought to run it from a share... if there is no way of installing it from one place. Isn't there a function in Windows Server called 'Remote Deployment' or something?

Or, could I write a remote deployment program?
1. If you want to shared a common folder, just set the security & permission to "everyone" & "guest"
2. Remote deployment program? no ideas how to write, because permission is the big issue
3. If all your client's PCs are using WinXP, then you may consider enable the "Terminal Service". (rather than physically go through all the PCs)
We already use Terminal Services. But, can't I just click a button when logged in as an Administrator of the domain and it will be remotely deployed?