A Couple DirectX Questions...


Junior Contributor
Nov 24, 2004
Ok guys, I have just a few questions(TPG ;)) ...I am developing a program to help administrators quickly catch and ban cheaters(Guid and IP ban). I want the players to be in the game and playing, then when they press a hotkey my information display on their screen.

#1 Is it possible to get the environment of an open D3D app to use, as to put my own information on?

#2 If so, any tips on how to do?

#3 If no, how could I put information on the screen so that a user playing a D3D game can also see my information.

#4 Could all this be done without hooking the game? By hooking I mean by not attaching any external modules ot references to the game or injecting any code.

I have all the information that I want to display, just am not sure on how to go about displaying it. thanks for the help guys ;)
I have just a few questions(TPG ;))
Hi (why me lol?)

#1 Is it possible to get the environment of an open D3D app to use, as to put my own information on?
Not unless it's your program

#3 If no, how could I put information on the screen so that a user playing a D3D game can also see my information.
Create a form and just display the info on a label or something - use some sort of "Always on top" property, and make the form opaque.

It's really all up to experimentation. I mean sometimes the d3d app can have its own "Always on top" property enabled. Just try around with a bunch of stuff. Make suer that the d3d app has focus, but your form is bieng displayed.

Making your own d3d app and running it on top of the other d3d app would be horrendous - it just doesn't work.... it'll lag.

-The Pentium Guy
TSO is bad and evil. No application should inject code into another. (Have fun trying to pull that off in .NET)
IMHO more people (esp. gamers) should embrace the usage of multiple monitors.
IngisKahn said:
TSO is bad and evil. No application should inject code into another. (Have fun trying to pull that off in .NET)
IMHO more people (esp. gamers) should embrace the usage of multiple monitors.

So it uses dll code injection?
IngisKahn said:
This is a utility for admins only?

Correct, I know you're probably thinking that I'm going to use it to create a cheat for the game, but I assure you i'm not. I am part of the caac, www.aa-caac.com I am caac-programmer on the website. I haven't used DX before, hence why I ask here. If you would like to see the code I can show you so that you are sure I'm not cheating (I'd have to take out passwords :))

This is actually a tool to help admins of servers catch cheaters. Gives them their IP so that they can ban that IP from the server and also report it to AAO.

So any help would be greatly appreciated as I have no clue what to do :confused: