A challange.


Junior Contributor
Sep 11, 2003
A cold dark place
For my rpg im now programming some basic magic animation and ive figured what i want for ice but i dont know how to do it... What i need is to create semi-transparant surfaces (like a blue glass to simulate a sheet of ice) these would be using simple triangle lists or strips and also linelists or line strip primitives, preferably vertextype posistioncolored. I would like to do it without textures,... so how do i create these primitives to be semi-transparant?
And a second easier question, how do i set the width of the line that the linestrip primitive draws?
You want to use alpha-blending, I believe.

I'm thinking about rewriting my entire graphics engine to use Direct3D instead of DirectDraw, just for the alpha-blending. I want it that much. =(

Yup sure do want Alpha blending

But how do i get it to be semi-transparant? I use alphablending elsewhere but thats for fully transparant. Also i dont know how to use alphablending on non-textured primitives.
Well, I'm not sure how to actually code it, but I do know that alpha-blending is speficially to achieve "partial transparency". By definition, the alpha value of something is hot transparent it is. Using graphic formats like PNG, I believe each pixel can be given its own alpha value.

127=50% transparent
0= transparent

Hopefully someone else can tell you how to actually apply it in Direct3D. That's beyond my knowledge... =P
