.3ds to .X convert


Feb 5, 2005
Anyone know of a converter that will convert from .3ds to .X without and keep the animation data? I have microsofts conv3ds.exe file which works ok for files without animation but when you specify that you want to keep the frame data ie conv3ds -A file.3ds(in dos) it throws an error and the .X file contains no frame data. any ideas?
What version of 3ds do you use...

The panda exporter does not work fully with version 7, if you are using 6 or below it works like a charm. I also have a small list of them on my site, See link in sig.
I don't do modelling so I don't have 3DS. Although I used to, but I deleted it (long story).

I use Milkshape3D now, (I don't really use it, but just in case I need to test something out) and it exports directly into *.x format.

Hint: Milkshape releases a new beta every month or so, trial expires after 1 month - they're kind of dumb wouldn't you agree?

In either case, I didn't know 3ds max 7 was out. Pretty cool.

Hey I like your site - I had the same idea in my mind. Feels good to help people though. If you need any help starting up to your site, just give me a PM.

PS: I'll put a link on my site to yours to get the trafic flowing, if you want.

-The Pentium Guy